Shipping & Returns

Welcome to Organics & Oils

Our Shipping & Return Policy

Our goal is your complete satisfaction with our services. The following policies govern shipping and returns and reflect our shipper’s policies we must adhere to. Thank you for your understanding.


We ship domestically and internationally via USPS and FedEx services. Allow 24 to 48 for order processing. We strive for same day processing. Items will be shipped within 2 business days after processing unless notified otherwise.

Your package will include a packing slip with our contact information and our shipping partner’s address information in the unlikely case you need to return an item(s):

Shipping Department
T.C. Bauer Co.
2023 N. Carroll Ave, C 223
Chicago, IL 60612


Returns and Cancellations:

We have a 14 day return policy for most products.

The following items we do not accept as returns:

international orders,
custom blended orders,
or materials that have been mixed or blended together with other ingredients.

All essential oils which you had ordered in 4 ounce or larger sizes require calling our returns department for authorization at (312-988-0051).

Please note that due to their highly volatile nature and cost Essential oils, Absolutes and Hydrosols are not covered under this policy. They will have to be returned in one week, unopened in their original containers for full refund.

Organics & Oils will not bear the shipping costs associated with returns unless there is an actual issue, such as damage or incorrect product sent, with the product.

Cancellations are acceptable only within 24 hours and only if your order has not already been shipped. A $5.00 cancellation fee will be charged to your account.