Sue Gregg Cookbooks

Welcome to Organics & Oils

A Whole Foods Recipe Revolution

Sue Gregg’s attempts to get her family to eat healthier were failing. That challenged her to find a different approach.

So, what is her definition of Whole Foods? A natural food with no refining or processing and containing no artificial additives or preservatives.

Whether you are religious or not, this series of faith base whole foods cookbooks are a diamond in the rough of todays world of fast, preservative ladened, and processed foods. Sue Gregg brings organic living back to the kitchen just as our grandmothers cooked.

Click the banner to see all Sue Gregg Cookbooks!

Note: This series of whole food cookbooks was originally targeted to home schooling families as educational tools while teach healthier and organic meal preparation.

Whole Foods cooking for the Whole Family:

A Comprehensive Whole Foods Cooking Plan Balancing Nutritional Value with Appetite Appeal, Cost Control with Convenience, K-Adult Curriculum and Over 1000 Recipes, Menus, Demos, and Cooking Lessons

Rich & Sue Gregg’s Story

Our idea of breakfast was standard America. Scrambled eggs and bacon with white bread toast, a glass of orange juice, boxed cereal (choice of the morning) for dad & the kids and a cup of coffee for mom. For dinner, real man-stuffing, kid-pleasing meat and potatoes, canned vegetables, jello on top of crisp iceberg lettuce for salad, and ice cream.

Our oldest son suffered from severe headaches. Colds and the flue ran their regular courses through the family. The toddler’s sniffles continued well after a ten day regime of antibiotics. Dad’s craving for chocolate and cola drinks induced an alarming weight gain. Job pressures brought irritability and depression that strained family relationships.

For the rest of the story, order Whole Foods Cooking and begin your journey.

Why This Cookbook Series

So you really do want to eat healthier fare using wholesome whole foods ingredients instead of refined and processed? It would be easier if it was like buying clothes, a car, or a house. Select it, wear it, drive it, live in it. Preparing and eating healthy food is something you have to choose to do repeatedly, sometimes several times a day.

We are not going to pretend that it is easy to leave choices and patterns that the culture through media, friends, and availability persistently imposes. It is difficult to move from the comfortable and familiar to the strange and unknown. That is why you need a guide, someone to coach you along the way as you transition to whole foods.

We’ve been through the whole process. In fact we set aside an unsuccessful attempt for two years. It wasn’t until one day musing and praying at the kitchen sink that the idea came to Sue Gregg, “Why don’t I start with familiar recipes and start substituting healthier ingredients” that we found a way to make the transition work. Once she developed a few very good recipes, it became a lot easier. Good recipes are the key to successfully adapting to a whole foods lifestyle. That is what this book is about.


“These cookbooks do not contain just recipes, they contain a ton of information on the hows and whys of healthy eating!”